Time: 0930 – 1445 hours

Venue – Your school.


  1. To develop the skills and understanding of the specific sport.
  2. To begin to understand simple tactics for the sport
  3. To understand the best ways to communicate during the games.

Welcome to the sport specific days, designed and ran by Dynamic Sports Consultancy.  These days can be based around almost any sport that you would like. The focus would be on skill development and taking those skills into gameplay. Futsal, rounders, cricket, athletics, tag rugby, handball, racket sports like tennis, badminton, table tennis to name but a few.

Please take time to read through an exemplar plan of the day. Each of these days will be totally bepsoke to your school and your children needs. I am happy to change the structure and activities to fit your needs, but this at least give you an idea of what a day could look like.

All equipment will be supplied by Dynamic Sports Consultancy.


0930 Introduction to the day/aims/safety etc

0930 – 1045: Individual Skill development and ball control

1045 – 1100:     Breaktime

1100- 1200:      Attacking play – The skills and qualities associated with this aspect (mixture of drills/games)

1200 – 1300:     Lunchtime

1300 – 1330:     Goalkeeping – The skills and qualities associated with this aspect (mixture of drills/games)

1330 – 1400:     Defending – The skills and qualities associated with this aspect (mixture of drills/games)

1400 – 1445: Small sided tournament  

1445:                   Plenary and goodbyes.


Other alternatives are:

Racket Sports day:

0930 – 1200: Badminton – Looking at the different skills and tactics needed for games. Mixture of drills and games. Attacking and defensive shots.

1300 – 1445: Mini Tennis – Looking at the different skills and tactics needed for games. Mixture of drills and games. Attacking and defensive shots.

Striking and fielding (cricket/rounder’s/dartmoor 3 ball)

0930 – 1100: Skill development and fielding and bowling

1100- 1200: Skill development within batting

1300 – 1345: Gameplay with focus on tactics

1345- 1445: Mini tournament


Tournament style day’s – Football world cup/Tennis (Wimbledon tournament, badminton tournament)

The whole day would be based around a tournament and matches. Focus on tactics and coaching attributes as opposed to skill development