
Ofsted inspections

Ofsted assesses how primary schools use the primary PE and sport premium. They measure its impact on pupil outcomes, and how effectively governors hold school leaders to account for this.

You can find details of what inspectors look for in the ‘effectiveness of leadership and management’ section of the ‘Ofsted schools inspection handbook 2015’.

Online reporting

You must publish details of how you spend your PE and sport premium funding. This must include:

  • the amount of premium received
  • a full breakdown of how it has been spent (or will be spent)
  • the impact the school has seen on pupils’ PE and sport participation and attainment
  • how the improvements will be sustainable in the future

For the 2017 to 2018 academic year, there is a new condition requiring schools to publish how many pupils within their year 6 cohort are meeting the national curriculum requirement to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres, use a range of strokes effectively and perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.

This condition has been added in response to recommendations from the Swim Group, who reviewed curriculum swimming and water safety in primary schools. You can get advice and resources to help deliver swimming lessons successfully in primary schools.

To help you plan, monitor and report on the impact of your spending, it’s recommended that you download a template to record your activity. The Department has commissioned partners in the physical education and school sport sector to develop a template, which is available at:

Accountability reviews

Accountability reviews will be carried out after the April deadline for schools to have published details on their websites of how they have spent their premium funding. We will sample a number of schools in each local authority, with the schools chosen based on a mix of random selection and prior non-compliance with the online reporting requirements.

Further advice

You can get further advice, including best practice examples of how schools are using their premium effectively, on the teacher blog.

Visit Sports Coach UK’s ‘coaching in primary schools toolkit’ for advice on employing sports coaches for your school.

Watch short films on the Sport England website for more advice on using the PE and sport premium effectively. Sport England produced these films in collaboration with the Association for Physical Education, the Youth Sport Trust, the County Sports Partnership Network, Sports Coach UK and Compass.

Find advice from Public Health England on what works in schools and colleges to increase levels of physical activity among children and young people.

You can also contact your local county sports partnership (CSP) for support with spending your PE and sport premium.